Manage Documents

Deleting a document

There are two ways to delete a document. On the Documents List page, you can delete a document by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Document List

  2. Click the ··· button on the right side of the document name

  3. Click Delete

Alternatively, you can delete a document using the Document Dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Document Dashboard

  2. Click on the Document Setting button

  3. Click Delete

Please make sure that you are deleting the right document. Once deleted, restoration is not available, and visitors will lose access to the deleted document.

Bookmarking a document

Bookmark frequently-used documents for easy access from the bookmark board. You can bookmark a document using either of these methods:

  1. Click the Bookmark button on the Document List

  2. Alternatively, click the bookmark icon next to the document name on the Document Dashboard

Changing a document name

Easily modify how a document's name appears in the thumbnail and Feat Paper viewer. The same name will be applied to the downloaded version.

  1. Go to the Document Dashboard

  2. Click the pencil icon next to the document name

  3. Edit the name and click on Save

Last updated